Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Music Time at the Library

     Three weeks ago the girls and I went to the library for Music Time.  At the end of her presentation, Miss Dawn announced that she was looking for a volunteer to help her with Music Time, and if anyone was interested, they should talk to her about volunteering.  This is something I have been wanting to do since the girls and I started going to the library every week.  I was so excited to hear that she needed help.  So, as soon as she was done, I hopped up and volunteered.  It's so great because it's something I can do with the girls, too.

     The last two weeks have been fun, but of course, we are still getting used to working together.  Dawn doesn't always know what I might feel comfortable doing, which is honestly just about everything.  I am a clown when I am singing and dancing, especially with kids.  Not much is going to embarrass me in a setting like that, and she is starting to see that.  At any rate, I'm really looking forward to getting more involved with Music Time and sharing my ideas. 



  1. Thats awesome Whitney! I wish we were there to come see you at music time, library classes are one of our favorite things to do!

  2. Sounds like an opportunity play and serve at the same time. Have fun!! I know the girls will adore it. :)

  3. So fun! You should tell Dawn about your Tate's Camp Counselor days, and she'd know you're down
