Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Keeping warm when it's cold

On New Year's Eve we planned a special cheese fondue dinner that was supposed to be followed by a chocolate fondue dessert.  The mere thought of dipping bread in cheese was abhorrent to our children, which is absolutely ridiculous to me, but I guess you can never say what a kid will or will not like.  After Matt and I gorged ourselves on the cheese fondue, however, we decided that we didn't have any room for chocolate fondue.

Saturday we pulled out the fondue pot, the chocolate, strawberries, marshmallows, and pretzels.  Our kids loved the chocolate fondue.  Naturally, so did we.

Eating chocolate fondue!

I love how Reagan's face is absolutely covered in chocolate.
When we got home from Church on Sunday, we realized that our heater wasn't igniting and was sending natural gas into the air.  Matt turned the gas line off, and we got out of the house as quickly as possible.  Brian, my brother, had invited us over for dinner that evening.  So we called and asked if it would be okay for us to come over a couple hours early.  We watched a few scripture movies with Sierra and William.  I confess, I never thought I would be jealous of their VCR, but because they have a VCR they can get all the Living Scripture movies for  50 cents at the DI.  On DVD they cost 30 dollars a piece, and I am not willing to spend 30 dollars on a 30 minute DVD.  However, the movies are great, and our kids love them.  Reagan might be Nephi's biggest fan.  Every time she saw him on screen she jumped up and down and screamed, "I see Nephi!"

I remember borrowing the Living Scripture movies from the Dickens Family while we lived in Indonesia when I was a kid.  Watching the Joseph Smith's First Vision movie was the first time I remember feeling the Spirit testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet who restored Christ's Church on the earth.  I also loved the movies about Abinadi and King Noah, Daniel in the Lion's Den, etc.  I've felt the Spirit of God testify of the truthfulness of the Bible and the Book of Mormon many times since then.  So, I know you don't need those movies to believe in the scriptures, but I have always had fond memories of them. 

We were able to come home Sunday night, and we used our little space heaters.  They kept us pretty warm when we were in bed, but in the morning, the girls and I went to the mall to play and stay warm.  Our heater was repaired last night.  So, fortunately, our house isn't like a freezer anymore.
Playing at the mall playground.  They love each other so much!

Reagan can't wait to be big enough to climb like Kirsten.

Today we went to the Bean Life Science Museum on BYU campus and met some of our really good friends there.  The museum is so fantastic.  We really love seeing the taxidermied animals. I can't believe this museum is entirely free!

The kids with the elephant.


  1. I love this picture of the 4 of them! I really do hope Brett marries one of the girls =)

  2. Though Reagan and Kirsten didn't care for the cheese fondue, as long as they'll go for chocolate, we don't need to worry about them! Do you do fondue often?? Much love!
